Thursday, June 17, 2004

The meaning of Last Dawn

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I figure a good way to start this blog would be to explain its name.

I named my blog "Last Dawn" because I believe that I (and the rest of us) am living in the era of last dawn of human civilization, a.k.a the industrial civilization.

According to some field experts, the extractible oil reserve on this planet is running dry soon. Some put the timeline to as near as 2012.

"But I heard the current oil reserve can hold at least 50 years more, and by then, surely the ever resilient human race would have discovered new technologies which can replace oil" you would say. Well, there is a few things here.

Let's first discuss the amount of oil reserve. Human is not going to exhaust all the oil in the earth crust, because long before that, our society would have crumble. Let me explain. According to the author of Life after the oil crash, during 1930s, it only took energy equivalent to 1 barrel of oil to extract 100 barrel of oil. Now the ratio has dropped to 1:10 as the oil well goes deeper. When it takes more than 1 barrel of oil to extract 1 barrel of oil, oil ceased to be an energy source. And that will happened BEFORE we actually runs out of oil. By then, our economy which is based largely on Oil (Petroleum, the fossil feul), will undoubtedly crumble.

Then let's talk about alternative energy source. I won't go into details here, suffice to say that this article here has convinced me that none of the existing technology even come close to replacing Oil as an energy base. Future technologies are generally too nebulous to depend my sanity on.

Many people argue that oil can last a lot longer; That is NOT my concern. What occurs to me is that Oil (and other fossil fuel, sooner or later) will run out one day, most probably in our life time. When that happens, our society and civilization will regress to pre-industrial age. Assuming human survives the experience, we will be facing a depleted planet and there will be no restoring to our current level of "civilization".

Without cheap electricity power and fuel, we will live without a lot of things we had taken for granted: Air-con, car, hot water, computer, light, etc.

We are at the pinnacle of human civilization and wastage now. This will be the Last Dawn, human will not be able to rise to this level again. That said, I intend to enjoy every last bit of this civilization and splurge every last bit of resource; We are entitled to. After all, we will be the generation which is suffering when oil crash occurs.

Let's party.

Life After the Oil Crash, a website with relevant issue on the coming oil crisis.
Die Off, a website that discuss all the issues humanity faced this day, including population, pollution, oil peak, global warming, etc.
From the Wilderness, an america-centric website addressing all issues, especially political and economical which affects our environment.

The above website are doomed to failure. They don't understand that human don't want truth. We want lies which make us happy.


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Blogger MoleWall said...

Wah! How come the first posts have such an apocalyptic tone?

I agree that Man faces grave challenges in the coming years, probably more so than ever before. The dwindling energy supplies and the growing threats of terrorism and violence will forever change the life we have today in the coming ten to twenty years.

So is mankind doomed to regress back to before the Industrial Age once the oil runs out? No, not if history is anything to go by. We are creatures of hope and survival. We invent and improvise better in desperation especially if our existence is threatened. I believe the rapidly depleting (cheap) energy supplies will spur research and development to discover new energy source. After all, necessity is the mother of invention.

1:34 AM  

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