Sunday, April 15, 2007

Update in April 2007

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I haven't blogged (is this even a legitimate word?) in a while. Mainly because I was really busy. I never thought I could endure a regular working life for... two months! Well, it happens when you are new to the job and everything is... surprise! New!

Seriously though, I really learned a lot of things during my two months stint in a newspaper company. Never mind my real job post, but I was mainly functioning as a secretary / assistant. Getting to know the rest of the secretaries/admins of various heads helps in understanding the working of the company.

Is it any surprise that my two months stint is coming to an end and I have decided to "return" to Singapore? I guess it would have been some sort of surprise to myself have I not been so... desensitized by all the surprises in my life.

I left the company during one of their majot upheavals (Those types you usually see in big company, unfortunate for me, I am a bit jaded, otherwise I could have been greatly entertained. Still, it's good emo drama).

Conclusion, I couldn't possibly gamble my prospect in Singapore (assuming there is any) for Malaysia. So much for patriotism. The deciding factor was my dear friends in Singapore. Unfortunately, they still hold sway in the decisions I make in life. Not that I mind. I can always spin warm and fuzzy feelings around that fact.

Anyway, I found this interesting site: The Gender Genie. It actually tells you the gender of the author by a piece of articles. Unfortunately, it was wrong for most of my articles. Also, it only works for english (More proof of damn anglo-barbarian cultural hegemony).

According to the site, I am a mostly androgenous female when I write in English. When I write a serious romatic tale between two men though, I am mostly female. The site is "totally confounded" (their word) when I write in Chinese. Funny.

Also, according to their score board, the keyword "with" have a very heavy female connotation, while the word "around" is heavily male. So "Playing with his dick" is presumely female and "Fucking around" is presumely male. So cute. (Imagine flat tone.)

Try it out. Maybe you can find some amusement from this primitive toy.