Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Does God Exist?

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Recent Read : The Naked Bible
An interestiing article (more like a book) analysing the conflicting points in the Bible.

A short note on Win-Win :

I have got an interesting reply from Molewall here. In the last paragraph he said:

"Say, the apple juice factory has lots of apple cores left over from the production of the juice. Instead of throwing away the cores, it can sell it back to the apple farm to use as fertilizer. This way, it is a Win-Win situation. Plus the transport company gets paid to send the apple cores back to the apple farm on the return trip. Win-Win-Win? This way there is no loss to the "system"?

That is indeed very interesting but from my point of view, it is still not a Win-Win situation. The apple cores were an EXCESS on the factory side. If the factory had thrown it away it would have been a LOSS on the factory side (which results in the gain of the fertilizer supplier of the apple orchard, but let's not go there). If we traced the movement of the apple core, we would discover that the apple cores actually travelled from apple orchard to the factory and back. In a sense, the factory actually sold the apple cores and later buy them back. The transport company gain from the LOSS of the factory (or whoever responsible for transport fee) extra payment of the transport to ship back the apple cores.

In a nutshell, if we take out the transport company (because the transport company creates a case that warrant a separate discussion on its own.) from the system, there was no GAIN to the system; What was percieved as a GAIN was actually a prevention of a LOSS (disposal of the apple cores).

I hope that would clear up my theory.

Does God Exist? :

It is perhaps the most frequently asked question by human. Since the times of our ancestors, we have always wanted to believe in a higher entity (or entities), relying on its (or their) existence to explain many phenomenons. However, with the advance of sciences, people started asking, does god exist?

Being someone more spiritual than religious, I tend to view God as a idea, a philosophy, a representation rather than an existence or an entity. To me, God represents the uniqueness of Human, in our ability and need to percieve a transcendent form of existence. It is (to me) a complex and all-encompassing ideology which consists of the myriad wants and needs of human as a collective entity. It includes things like the fear of death and unknown afterlife, the need to percieve an ultimate, completely fair judging power, the protection of less competitive and the motivation to work towards the common good of the race. To me, God can exist outside the bound of a religion, for religion is merely formed of people with similar wants and needs, while God represents the overall ideology.

It is moot to argue about the existence of God. I believe that by the virtue of discussing it, we have already confirmed the existence of God as an ideology. To the believer it represents the ultimate power, to the agnostic it represents an idea that cannot be confirmed, to the atheist it represents a hypothesis which is not to be believed.

Whether we like it or not, God exists, and it has for a long time.

For the record, I am NOT a christian (Christians are not allowed to question the existence of god.), nor am I of any religion. I believe in God as an ideology, but I do not agree with the way some religion use it to manipulate the believers. At that point, God ceases to be an ideology, but instead become a tool. But that's another topic all by itself. Remind myself to write about it some time, after I write about my take on management ideology.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

God exist, just because we want him to . if you never think of it, then it will not trouble you.
But there are people who go to that extrem that they use the name of God to cover the sins that they do.
so what is God and what are religions? They are only the veil that human-beings use to cover their bad evil..

6:16 PM  
Blogger MoleWall said...

Firstly, I disagree about apple cores being a LOSS to the system. They are going to thrown away anyway. Instead they are sold to the farm which is a WIN situation for the factory. The farm gets cheap fertilizers (from the saving in transport) which are also a WIN. Plus the transport company is happy for the extra business.

I suppose it is a matter of perception. Positive vs. Negative thinking.

Secondly, when people believe in God, they have hope. For the Christians, it is the belief that they will go to heaven where there is eternal happiness if they believe in Jesus. For the Buddhist, it is the belief that through hardship and karma, one can attain enlightenment and leave the wheel of reincarnation and not suffer again. For the Muslim, it is the belief that by performing the duties of Islam, they will gain entry to heaven. The allure of religion is the promise of leaving the life of suffering. God is the entity representing the promise, the hope.

While we cannot see God, we must have Faith. For Faith is the conviction that God exists and we will be save from our suffering. Faith is the power of Hope, it is faith that drives Buddhists to do good deeds for good karma, in hope that they will have good returns. It is faith that leads Christians to believe in Jesus and the Salvation he promised. It is faith that allows Muslim to fast for a month every year, prayer every week and go to Mecca at least once in a lifetime.

Sadly it is also faith that gives suicide bomber the courage to hurl themselves at Enemies of Allah, sacrificing their precious life in exchange for the promise of heaven for being Allah’s warrior and martyr.

God is Hope. For if we have hope, we believe that the future will be better. We believe in God.

3:32 AM  

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