Something about a crush
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So i am lying to myself.
I like to talk about love affair and the matter of heart as if it can be discussed, dissected and probed rationally. I am the last person on this earth that should claim that.
I am having a stupid crush on someone I just met less than 2 weeks ago and I am totally getting out of control. As in, I am feeling things I SHOULDN'T be feeling.
So I have a disclaimer to state: Whenever you read about anything I write about looking a love dispassionately, retionally, please know that I am writing with the part of my brain that's the furthest from my heart.
I am probably getting old and desperate, but not old enough to resign to fate.
It's amazing I still have this kind of hope and passion, and dreams. maybe I am not totally jaded yet, which might be a good thing.
My new articles repository
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I finally got fed up with free web hosting. So I moved my articles repository to a blog. You can find it here:
Zuraffo's Repository
Feel free to browse through the articles and leave comments. Also, currently the index system is a hack. If anyone knows of a more elegant way of doing it, please let me know. You'll get an autographed copy of my book when it comes out. ;)
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The Seven Ancient Capitals of China
It is the oldest city among the Capitals. It has been the capital since prehistoric era. Later, during Shang dynasty, it was renamed to Yin as the capital of Shang. During the three kingdoms era (End of Han dynasty), it was known for one of its city: Ye, which has been the capital for Wei of Cao family, and other northern governments.
金朝(1115年 - 1234年)自金世宗起至1217年为中都。
It has been the capitals of five major ancient dynasties: Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming, Qing During the Late Zhou Era (Roughly 500 b.c.), it was renamed as Jing as the capital of the Yan government. From 1115 to 1217, it was named as Zhongdu duing the Jin Dynasty. During Yuan dynasty, it was named as Dadu. During Ming, it was called JingShi. It was named as Beijing during the Qing Dynasty.
Hang Zhou:
The Capital of Southern Song. It was called Lin'an during that time.
Also called "bian". It has several old names like "bian zhou", "dong jing", "da liang". It has been the capital of many dynaties. During the Late Zhou era, it's the capital of Wei government, known as "Da Liang". The iron smelting was ery developed there. Ravaged by war and flood from yellow river, it was nearly in ruin. During the interim between Tang dynasty and Song dynasty (907~959), due to its advantagous geographical location which was suitable for agriculture, it became the capital for four major governments. After Song dynasty united China, Kaifeng was kept as the Capital. During the Northern Song dynasty, it developed into the world capital of that time. After Jing occupied Kaifeng, Jing shifted its capital from Beijing to Kaifeng.
南京为东吴、东晋、南朝(宋 、齐、梁、陈四朝)、南唐、明、太平天国、中华民国首都。
西安,不仅是中国四大古都,还是世界四大文明古都。古称长安,又曾称西都、西京、大兴城、京兆城、奉元城等,是中国历史上当之无愧的建都朝代最多、历时最久,影响力最大的城市。先後有西周、秦、西汉、新、东汉(献帝初)、西晋(愍帝)、前赵、前秦、後秦、西魏、北周、隋、唐等13个王朝在这里建都达 1100馀年之久。又曾为赤眉、绿林、大齐(黄巢)、大顺(李自成)等农民起义政权的都城。
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shu2 : - 成熟。Ripe.
- 加热到可以食用的程度。Cooked.
- 加工制造或锻炼过的,如“熟铁”。Processed. As in "Processed Iron".
- 因为常见或常用而知道得清楚。Familiar.
- 熟练。Adept.
- 程度深。如“熟睡”。Deeply, as in "sleeping deeply"
shou2 : 口语。Used in spoken mandarin
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ga1 : “胳肢窝”(ga1.zhi.wo1)。同“夹肢窝”(ga1.zhi.wo1)。腋窝的意思。Armpits.
ge1 : “胳臂”(ge1.bei)。肩膀以下,手腕以上的部分。Arms
ge2 : “胳肢”(ge2.zhi)。在别人身上抓挠,使发痒。Tickles.
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liao3 : 同“了”。明白,懂得。如:明瞭,瞭如指掌。已经普遍上简化为“了”了。Understand, grasp, recognize.
liao4 : 瞭望,通常指广范围的观察。Observe, survey great area.
First week in KL
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Tired, and got sick because I walked in the rain.
It's very interesting to be a teacher, although I haven't started teaching yet. Now I am observing the classes and make notes. When the center deemed me ready I'll start taking classes. I don't know if this is the organization I want to work with for long, but it's definitely a good learning experience.
I think life has become something nebulous for me. There is no longer any DEFINITION, like I can do what I want, and can BE what I want. Is this freedom? Or is it called "Lack of purpose and direction"? I don't really have an answer, but I feel thrilled and scared at the same time.
More than ever, I inexplicably felt time's monolithic, unilateral movement. At the end of the day, what we do in this world, what we achieve, will not matter when merge with the endless, boundless river that is called "history".
Don't get me wrong, I still feel a sense of duty to achieve something, to make my life meaningful, but being humbled before the magnificence of life gave me more freedom and conviction to do what I want to do, without being burdened by unwarranted considerations.
Reading 伤心咖啡店之歌 by 朱少麟. I read her 燕子 before, which is actually her second book. 伤心咖啡店之歌 is her first book. So far from what I read, I still prefer 燕子, but the person who lent me this book told me it is better. Well, we'll see.
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1. sai1 : 把东西放进有空隙的地方。(tuck)
2. se4 : 与sai3同义,多用于合成词。比如:“闭塞” (Same meaning as sai1, use to form phrases)
3. sai4 : 可做屏障的险要地方。要塞。(A defensible location)
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